Congratulations on your new journey for straight teeth! Here are a couple of items to help you care for your teeth!
- New aligners may feel tight at first, but will get easier to remove with time.
- Take Ibuprofen to help with any discomfort or soreness.
- Chewies can help fully seat aligners as well as improve tooth movement.
- The clear bumps on your teeth are called attachments and help move your teeth.
- See your dentist regularly while in orthodontic treatment.
- Not wearing aligners or missing appointments can lengthen your treatment time.
- Keep previous aligners, in case you might need to use them again.
- At the completion of your series of aligners, an additional 3D scan may be needed for refinements.
- Wear aligners for 22+ hours a day
- Remove aligners to eat and drink, except water
- Brush trays with a small amount of mouthwash and rinse daily
- Always rinse aligners before putting them in.
- You can chew sugar-free gum while wearing aligners.
- If you are not wearing aligners, make sure they are in your case.
- When traveling, remember to pack your next aligner.
- Eat or drink anything with aligners in, except water
- Use toothpaste on aligners, because it is abrasive and can cause the aligners to become cloudy
- Play with aligners with your tongue
- Leave aligners in a hot car or around excessive heat; they are plastic and can warp and will no longer hold their shape.
Occasionally, an attachment on your tooth can come off. If that happens, please call our office and let us know.